Dreamer Thanks

Dreamer Thanks

Dreamer Thanks As we approach Thanksgiving celebrations, it’s time to reflect and give thanks.Together, we’re all playing our part to fan lights in hard places into flame. However, our thanks hardly compares to the gratitude a dreamer recently expressed. He mentioned...
The Tragedy of 41%

The Tragedy of 41%

The doorbell startled me. We were deep in discussion with Melhem, a Lebanese visionary that Dreams InDeed accompanies. I walked over to open his office door. A small boy with a big bent can under his arm stood before me. He clutched a wooden box stuffed with rags,...
The Desert Within

The Desert Within

The  Desert Within… “Each one of us has a desert inside. An aching emptiness. A dry wasteland.” We sat next to a tent village overcrowded with families taking refuge from genocide. But our homeless Iraqi dreamer wasn’t just describing their agonizing...
Who Is My Neighbor?

Who Is My Neighbor?

After a two-day flurry of emails, phone calls, and text messages, David and I confirmed our maiden voyage to Iraq. Less than 48 hours after David had arrived back home from a trip, we were back on the road and on our way. Into the Unknown It didn’t really hit me...